Sunday, March 25, 2018

A New Day A New Blog...

Well, to make a long story short, I gave up blogging with blogger and resorted to FaceBook posts on my last trip. Yes, I did do the whole Camino Frances again end to end and a helluva lot of sightseeing in Spain last year.   Maybe when I get a quiet year I might have the time to write about it - at least the highlights.  But that won't be soon if this year is anything to judge by.

I have another Camino planned and this time I am hoping to blog it all, in fact, I would like to take up my blogging habit again and make it a regular thing. We shall see. The first thing I have to do is get a better blogging tool than this Blogger site and software has turned out to be. So I am continuing my blogs on WordPress, you will find me here fumbling around for a bit as I figure out how it works. I have my fingers crossed that there will be a better access for composing offline and uploading pictures. Since Google purchased Blogger and Picasa they seem to be content to let them die a slow death, and that seems to not be the case with WordPress.

Hope you will wander over for a visit sometime... with encouragement I might be able to resurrect this blogging habit!

To Keep In Touch you just need to remember epeggyh... as in //